Tonia Reeves - A Night of Connections
Celebrate the Winter Solstice with an evening connecting with loved ones and receive messages from the spiritual world.
You’re invited to attend a special event with one of Australia’s leading psychic mediums, Australia’s Cowgirl Medium, Tonia Reeves.
Tonia combines her love of all thing’s country with her love of mediumship, connecting with audiences in Australia and overseas through high profile events, radio segments and publications. Tonia also has had published her own ‘Mediumship’ cards and ‘The Ancients’ story book.
Side Eight Crystals & Imaginarium is excited to bring Tonia to the Bellarine, in a special Mediumship Night being held on Friday 23rd June. In the beautiful Coach House Room at the Vue Grand Hotel, Queenscliff which is steep in history itself, light refreshments will be included.
As a more intimate event limited tickets are available at only $45.00 each.
Bookings will be essential.
Tonia’s will be available for book and deck signing on the night, and individual ‘gifted goodie bags’ from Side Eight Crystals & Imaginarium for those joining us on the night.